
It is my pleasure and honour to play my small part for this online art auction platform to help improve the quality of life of children with cancer and their families and children impacted by cancer through enhancing their emotional, social and medical well-being.


The Arts play an important role in the lives of the young ones. It inspires, it delights, it uplifts. The nature of the subject makes learning a joy with soothing aesthetic rewards. This online auction site will provide an extended platform for our talented student artists to showcase their work of passion and in the process, help other children who are in need. Hence, the sales of these artworks online will bring about good works for the benefit of children with cancer and their families.


As the proverb goes, “Give the man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him to teach and you feed him for a lifetime.” Through the launch of Online Art Auction, our talented student artists will not only reach to a wider audience of collectors, but will be part of this giving network and to help build a more gracious community. Let us all be part of this good work in supporting this great cause, and promoting arts and a healthy sense of giving in our future generations.


Chng Hock Huat

Vice Chairman for CCC & CCMC

Nanyang Grassroots Organization


About Us

With Aesthetics ‘Thoughtful learning through the Arts’ being the school’s learing for Life Programme (LLP), the school has been involved in Art auctions and various community exhibitions since 2010.

The proceeds in 2010 to 2012 went to support students in our school who were in the Financial Assistance Scheme (FAS). In 2013, our proceeds contributed to ‘The Straits Times School Pocket Money Fund’.  In 2014, our proceeds went to ‘Child Aid’, which is part of both ‘Straits Times pocket Money Fund’ and ‘Business Times Budding Artist Funds’.

Though Art Auction, students learn concepts of demand and supply factors determining the art market. This helps them to move into the future of art making, where art is done not just to express oneself, but also to meet the needs of the community.  In 2016, we have finally taken the Art Auction online with the intent of reaching out to a wider audience so that more may benefit from the efforts of our students. This is indeed a valuable learning point for our students about the importance of giving back to society through their diverse talents and learn to be active agents of change. The proceeds of this year’s Art Auction would be donated to Children’s Cancer Foundation.

This year – 2021 – we are holding our auctions online and 100% of the gross proceeds from the art auction will be donated to Children’s Cancer Foundation.

This website was made possible with partial funding from Art Community Participation Grant granted to West Grove Primary School by the National Arts Council.


Community Art Exhibitions

We have been moving into the community for our art exhibitions where pupil’s artwork will be showcased in public. Our students create these artworks during their weekly Art curriculum lessons and through exhibiting at community spaces; we encourage other schoolmates to attend it to inculcate in them the habit of visiting an art exhibition. Not only this, parents and families of students’ whose works were exhibited would be able to visit the exhibition too. Arts Ambassadors also take this opportunity to host the Art Talk to provide brief explanation of certain key works, as outreach to community on Art Appreciation. Past exhibition venues include National Institute of Education (NIE), The Arts House, Goodman Arts Centre, Jurong West Public Library located in The Frontier Community Club and Jurong Regional Library.

We have collaborated with Khoo Teck Phuat Hospital to produce artwork and photography exhibitions at their venues for both 2014 and 2015 International Diabetes Day. Students from our Art Club created wall murals as part of the SG50 celebration at Commonwealth Food Centre and Tanjong Pagar Food Center.

Most recently, our students have participated in an Arts Exhibition cum Arts Sale organized by Nanyang Community Club named Arts@Nanyang.



Ahead of the Ministerial Community Visit by Acting Education Minister (Schools) Mr. Ng Chee Meng on 15 October 2016, Grassroots Adviser to Chua Chu Kang GRC GROs, Mr. Yee Chia Hsing held a media briefing on Monday, 26 September 2016, where he shared on the “Nanyang Pay It Forward” programme. Mr. Yee also shared another programme – Arts@Nanyang – where students from six schools in the area exhibit their artwork in the CC and interested buyers can buy the works. Funds raised will be channeled back to the students through their schools to pay for art courses. West Grove was invited as one of the six schools to participate in this initiative by Nanyang CC.

5 of our students were selected to participate in the exhibition. The exhibition was launched on 15 October in line with the Ministerial Community Visit by Acting Education Minister (Schools) Mr. Ng Chee Meng. Our student, Goh Yi Lin’s (3A. 2016) artwork titled “Harmony and Colours” was selected by the Arts@Nanyang selection panel to be presented to Mr. Ng as a token of appreciation.

We will be working with Nanyang CC in the near future to raise the importance of arts in the community.